Looking for help? Find answer with our FAQ section or contact us.
Over the years we come accross the same questions asked by our clients who bought our products. So we have decided to help our clients and create list of Frequent Asked Questions. Please look through them first. If you will not find answer to your questions please send us an email or message via vorm attached here onder.

How far is my order?
From the moment of payment, we need around 6 weeks for production (not including GLS delivery). For the curtains and/or pelmet, approx. 2 weeks from the day of payment. We will send you email when your order is ready to be sent.
When will I get my order?
The customer is informed by an e-mail about the shipment code (track & trace). Via link he is able to check where his shipment is. If the information is not available, the seller can check it for him (courier has a website in many languages)
If the information on the courier website clearly shows that the package is stuck on the way, or that the waiting time is extended, please contact DaMa via email: info@dama-truckinterior.com and we will take it further.
What color is that?
From not every photo we are able to recognize the color, specially if the photo was taken couple of year ago. Therefore, we ask the customer to choose a color based on the color palette send to him. We can always send a sample of material (except UK)
What is the shippment cost?
We need to know first to which country the order has to be sent. Also what kind of products and for which truck. Then we are able to tell the customer the cost of the shipment.
What is the price of individual logo?
To establish the price of individual logo, we need first to know what kind of logo the customer wants and on which of our products. We do not accept print screen logos, only good quality attachments. The best for us is to deliver vector attachment. Please contact us (via email) for further information.
What is the cost of doing the whole interior of my truck
We never discuss the big project over the phone. To receive the offer from us, for the whole interior of the truck, you either come to us and speak personally or we conect via ZOOM or other online program.
The prices depend on what exactly client wants in his truck.
Contact us via email – info@dama-truckinterior.com
Do we have any product in stock?
Sometimes we have some products in stock, please contact us via email of FB
How do I install any product of DaMa?
We have made quite a lot of installation films – tutorials.
Please go to our YouTube Channel: DaMa Truck Interior:
Do we sell only the 3D logo?
No, we do not. We sell the whole product with 3D logo + LED light
Do you sell tassels for the pelmet per meter OR velcro per meter?
Yes we do. Only per full meter (so no 2.25m). Please contact us via email or FB.
Do you sell the seat bases for lowered casts?
No, we do not. We only sell the seat bases for original casts under the seats
How can I wash the curtains and pelmet?
The best is to wash the curtains in washing machine, in 30 degrees; program for delicate clothes; no fast spinning program; no softener chemicals; no tumble dry. The best is to hang them to dry. You can iron the curtains, but please check the heat of the iron first.